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Please read this carefully before signing:

Francis Atta appreciates your interest in becoming a mentee. This application is intended as a means of informing and gaining your consent to be a willing participant in his program.


After receiving this completed application from you, Francis will evaluate the information in preparation for a free 15 minute consultation via phone.


Much of the information you supply in this application will be used to prepare a custom program for you. All information is held confidential and will not be shared with any third party. Francis Atta's business team is also bound by confidentiality as it pertains to any and all information relating to Francis Atta's programs and events.


1. I give my informed consent to be a willing participant in this Mentorship Program and its related activities.

2. I agree to follow all mentoring program guidelines and I understand that any violation on my part can have a direct effect on the outcome and my expectations of the program.

3. I release Francis Atta of all liability of injury, death, or other damages to me, my child/children, family, estate, heirs, or assigns that may result from my participation in the program, including but not limited to transportation, and hold harmless any of Francis Atta's business team or other representatives, both collectively and individually, of any injury, physical or emotional, other than where gross negligence has been determined.


I understand I must submit this completed application, and that any incomplete information will result in the delay of my application being processed

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